Pooyesh Darou Biopharmaceuticals company
Founded in 1997, Pooyesh Darou Pharmaceuticals today is one of the most well established biotechnology companies through the Middle East. With 6 recombinant biopharmaceutical products helping patients in the country, Pooyesh Darou Pharmaceuticals became regional leader in the effort to develop and apply the most advanced capabilities in biotechnology to address a range of unmet medical needs.
Pooyesh Darou Pharmaceuticals has acquired technology exclusively from the ICGEB (United Nations’ International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste-ITALY) to manufacture recombinant-DNA-based therapeutic proteins, the endogenous hormones and leukotriene that control essential body functions. The company is the first in Iran to use these genetically modified bacteria and cells to produce basic endogenous proteins.